Dani Burés is a Galician artist, inevitably influenced by his career as an architect and landscaper. Dani is primarily an exponent of line, the quality of which can be described as dynamic, elegant and precise. Always working on vectors, he shows a great interest in a somewhat abstract and geometrized representation of all kinds of subjects. He seeks the maximum formal simplification of any type of a still life or landscapes that present a suggestive for the artist composition. Although on average the color palette in his vignettes is scarce or non-existent and it is repeating geometric patterns that catch the prominence, we can feel the warmth. There are plants. There are many plants. And there is life.
NEW That which flourishes attracts the eye. Like moths to the light, life is attracted to that which flourishes, because life is light, and we return to it. It is the perfect bait. Perfect for attracting little animals that fly through the air and crawl on the ground because they all blossom and bloom. Bloom is the Hunter who hides in the night with a hook.
What flourishes has a quality which is the attraction to the eye. Like flies go to the light, what flourishes always attracts life because life is light and we return to it. It is the perfect bait. Perfect for attracting little animals that fly through the air and crawl on the ground because they all fall into bloom. Bloom is the Hunter who hides in the night with a hook.