Neo Cats by Nick Öhlo

Nick Öhlo, A.K.A. "Nicolò Tromben", was born in Vicenza, Italy where he fall in love with drawing and nature. Nick loves representing everything around him through a lense of colours, giving life to fantastic creatures, always inspired by the natural elements and travelling. Nick holds a degree in Product Design from the University of Ferrara with a double major from The Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Brazil, and a Master in Editorial Design from The Fine Arts Faculty in Oporto, Portugal. After working for two years at a communication agency, he now proudly founded the Supernulla collective where he works as an independent graphic designer and digital illustrator.


Two cats, made of stars and beams of light roll around in an infinite space. Maybe they play, maybe they fight - no one knows. They are so fast that you cannot tell! They jump from one planet to another and everything around them is completely dark!
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