#130 LOREY

Round Space by Lorey

Lorey is our talented fellow crew member from Chile. She was not focused on arts until very late in her life. The idea of fulfilling other people’s expectations was more appealing than pursuing her own dreams of becoming an artist. Luckily, life has given her the chance to explore and learn more about art, meeting people and being able to participate in amazing challenges and projects with them. Her references and aesthetic varies from topic to topic, but always keeping the focus on outer space, cats and comic inspired concepts. Lorey’s biggest ambition is to continue and finish her ongoing webcomic Hecatombe!. It is a perfect time when being in space!


Sometimes life feels so adrift, so cold and so silent that we hold onto the truest love we know, pets. They say they are just animals. For me they are the entire galaxy. Are you with me?
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