Guille Jimeno grabs you with his masterful handling of psychedelic palettes, surreal characters, rawness of a line and outstanding storytelling. With a passionate interest for sci-fi, cosmos, technology, illustrating the ocult worlds and travelling, it was not a big decision for Guille to move from a town in the interior of La Mancha, Spain called Valdepeñas, to Cuenca and then to Valencia to become an artist with the most hermetic and mystical portfolio of work. With a degree in Fine Arts and a Master's degree in Design and Illustration, Guille develops an underground, psychedelic graphic style evolving out of a fascination for the graffiti culture and cyberpunk aesthetics. With a clear influence of the 90s and 2000s, he defines his style as a "TechnoTrash".
Today we are nearing the perfection of the eternal life. We are enjoying the metamorphosis that this new universe offers us in infinite forms. We are realizing the unimaginable universe, where everything is finally present, all things that seemed to be the mere dreams of the individuals considered as outcasts of the society of the moment.