A wonderful collision of lines and textural spray-like colour, Estudio Pum always surprises you! It is a highly successful graphic design and illustration studio based in Brazil and Spain, established in 2013. Pum are Maga & Porni, an ex-agency duo, both graphic designers by formation and illustrators by passion. They use design methods to create brands, objects or anything that relies on a visual appeal to it, and they use illustration as a tool to their client’s needs. That is one of the reasons they do not work with an exclusive style, and they keep trying and testing different designs and illustrations, just like this super token on Mars.
They gazed at Mars till tears streamed down their cheeks. They held their hands up to that astonishing redness and blueness; they drank in the fresh and dry air. They listened and listened to the silence that suspended them in a blessed sea of no sound and no motion. They took in every detail and cherished every moment with their whole body!