#502 El Muso Inquietante by Malakkai

There is something utterly mesmerizing about the illustrations of Isaac Malakkai. His first contact with graffiti was in late 1999 and he instantly fell in love with it. Over the years he begins to travel and see that he has friends over half of the planet Earth. This only makes him even more passionate about urban art. You can find his murals and painted walls in multiple places: from Vidreres to Nian Xian, passing through Ciudad Juárez, Djerba, Düsseldorf, Almería and Naples. It is thanks to this experience with street art that he decided to dedicate himself professionally to illustration and muralism. Lover of desaturated colors, Malakkai creates vivid expressive characters with irony and a touch of melancholy. 


The disturbing, passive, and still mushroom, yet changing and challenging, on its old pedestal, looking at the cloudy horizon, makes you reflect, makes you nervous, never answers you, look at it there, always pretending to leave, the disturbing mushroom.

This artwork is inspired by Giorgio de Chirico.

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