Inerte by Camila Sánchez

Camila Sánchez Ospina’s vibrant and detailed work is a commentary on the world today. Grief, psychiatry, the oppressive effects of our overstimulated modern lives, emotional intelligence and spirituality are the themes to be explored in her work. Her aesthetics undergoes dramatic and unpredictable changes in this time of social transformation. The artist originally hails from Colombia and currently resides in eastern France. She studied at the La Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores and L’institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts of the city of Besançon, where she is based. Her creative and artistic processes go through experimental drawing, comics and illustration. Among her references are Saturnino Herrán, Elsa Punset, Cyril Pedrosa and Victor Frankl who are always accompanying Camila’s creative process.


She took one last look at that starry night. She sighed and became something unknown. She passed through the dawn, her body travelling far from the Earth. She went through the portal and matter to become the pure energy.

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