Excited about the mesmerizing work of Surrealists, Roger Haus’s art is an invitation to the dream-like world full of personal symbols. His most renowned artwork Hypnagogies which represents captivating images of hundreds of layers of icons spread over one another knitting a breathtaking web, has been featured on Wetransfer and TimeOut. Today Roger Haus and Anna Dart convert their passion for Surrealism and art into the driving force to build the project which is here to make history - Exquisite Workers. Anna Dart, who finds inspiration in contemporary dance, drama and architecture of Antoni Gaudí, joins Roger in this collaboration to bring the magnetism and passion to this last token of the Super Real Edition.
Some thought it was a sculpture. Instead it was a giant Space Candy which was gifted by the humans for the first Galactic Olympic Games. The event happened the day La Sagrada Familia was finished.