310 FERR-W ‼️


by Ferr-W

Born in Barcelona in 1992, Ferran Castellnou Agulló or Ferr-W got interested in illustration as such about 6 years ago and recently built a beautiful body of personal work full of dazzling colors and bright and bold lining. Digital illustration, mural painting, textile printing - his sumptuous painting style graces many mediums. Wanting to transmit his messages through different registers, he also searches for diversity in terms of subject. Mesmerising human faces, animals and botanic objects are the most recurrent elements in his drawings. Ferran, drawn by the idea of conceptual simplification and fascinated by the power of the black line, dreams of learning the art of tattoos.


The technological revolution has managed to go where no revolution before had managed to expand. Humans have been capable of many pro-evolutionary achievements, but they have never been so close to leaving their home planet as up to now. What seemed like science fiction stories 20 years ago has become reality.

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