
Somtimes Sour by Meravellcrea

Meravellcrea got trained and works in Illustration, nevertheless she prefers to see herself as a cartoonist. Her extravagant style is fresh, full to the brim with dark colours and charismatic obscure characters. Sharp lines and black masses give intensity to her work and narrate stories on diverse topics such as sex, science fiction, nudes, deformations, trash, death, human and animal cruelty. Ultimately, Meravellcrea​'s works represent the degradation of lands in their splendor. The artist persues to draw as many existing objects as possible and expand her art expression beyond disjointed images through the comic and video art. Keep an eye on Meravellcrea's work and this unique token!


The taste of decay and decomposition is sometimes pleasant: the context guides us, perhaps speaking of the future it becomes more enjoyable, without real relationships, only robotic animals and humidity, a lot of humidity. Sometimes the climax can be a bit sour.
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