
Requested Memories Not Found by Josh Mora

Josh Mora began to draw stories and characters as a child together with his brother. They collected, printed and framed them. That was the beginning of his lifetime passion. Josh studied art in a high school and continued to practice it and learn intermittently over the years. Sharp, large strokes, color contrasts and exaggerated anatomical proportions define Mora's rich and distinctive style, highly influenced by French comic and manga. His pictures tell the story on their own and the whole set leads to imagine new narratives. Keen on comics and short stories, the ideal future project would be to publish his own comic book. Will it be the book of Josh going to space?


You breathe smoke. You sweat oil. The city of lights. Who wants to be an animal again? Who wants to slip into a true life? What is the correct way to live? The finite world of machines has reached its apogee. And there is only a glance left towards a past which was inhabited by the Gods who created them...
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