
DR3AM4S by La Veralicia

La Veralicia is a digital illustrator and comic artist whose loose, expressive visual language is immediately recognisable. She got a degree in Design and Creative Technologies in Valencia and her work remains influenced by her academic background, with a prominent concentration on colour, line and characters development. A great deal of inspiration for La Veralicia comes from the classical art, cinema and everyday life and very much from the vintage aesthetics and Asian themes. Currenly she works on getting her first graphic novel called DUST. You wouldn't want to miss her live-drawing on Twitch as well as this fantastic token!


Why do you suppose it is tonight? Why not some other night in the last century, or 3 centuries ago, or 7? Maybe it is because it was never November, 2121, ever before in history, and now it is and that is it, because this date means more than any other date ever meant, because it is the year when things are all the same all over the world as in Japan and that is why it is the end of the Internet as a connecting link.
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