#388 The Meta Fuel by FFINITY for Exquisite Workers

Arihant Jain, also known as FFINITY, brings his fantastic worlds to Metaverse from India. FFINITY’s work taps into themes of consciousness, technology, avant-garde fashion and pop-culture manifesting in compositions of vivid color and surreal dreamlike sequences. He has been working in the design and entertainment industry for the last 6 years. Through his work, FFINITY speaks about things we have in our mind that are both personal, quirky and mundane. Interested in how everyday events and observations abide in our subconscious and shape us as persons, the artist introduces them in his work. FFINITY consistently pushes the boundaries of color theory, texture, and depth to bring new ideas to life and today brings his art to Jupiter.


Today the artist is fueled by the juice of the Metaverse which is a limelight. It is rich in ideas and attractive with finance. The internet has empowered artists to be their own bosses and the Metaverse takes this a notch further, one NFT at a time.

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