Having learnt her craft of drawing, painting, screen printing and ceramics in famous La Llotja Art and Design Academy and Eina Art School in Barcelona, Gemma Quevedo set up a studio in her native city, called Black Pretzel, which currently produces hand-printed t-shirts, fanzines and pins and in future self designed dolls. A constant string of exhibitions and local art-fairs pushes her technique further. In her most recent intimate comic series she brings to life a woman character and a cat who explores the topic on sensory processing sensitivity (HS). In her digital work Gemma creates boldly visual imagery over the plain moderate backgrounds which mainly focuses on daily life on Earth and cosmic journeys. Today Gemma has reached Mercury with the female protagonists of her digital stories.
Little narwhal, why are you here? Small narwhal. It is you, dear animal! They said it was a mermaid. Small narwhal, sea animal. You are not a horse, you are a whale.