#116 Digital Addict

Mars 2026 by Digital Addict

Ruthlessly talented man so comfortable in his ability to create new worlds, Rafael Gregor, AKA "Digital Addict" uses his years of experience in the advertising industry to make authentic feeling retro futuristic vaporwave art. His work coincidentally often ambiguously satirises consumer capitalist culture from the 80s and 90s. His biggest influences are video games, specifically from the late 90s to mid 2000s. This is when Rafael was most active as a gamer. He also loves old-school retro Japanese graphic design, advertising and anime. Rafael is mostly self taught, however, he did a communication design bachelor in Australia. By day Digital Addict works as a corporate content strategist, by night he is a superb illustrator, powerful 3D artist and a Youtube star. Do not miss at any rate his exceptional token!


He almost broke into tears from joy. The people sat at the tables which were strangely empty for banquet tables. Their blue eyes were glowing at him. The captain noticed there were no windows; the light seemed to permeate the walls. There was only one door. And a flame thrower in his lowered hands. Isn’t it good to renew one’s wonder? How are you feeling being children again?

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