
Happy Maze by Flavia Gargiulo

Flavia Gargiulo was born in Madrid in 1983. Her family changed the capital for a quieter place and moved to Mallorca, when she was 7. The light of Mediterranean sea, a childhood in the countryside and walking through one of the most beautiful Gothic cities in the world all the way to her workshop, Flavia says, became powerful memories and main sources of inspiration. Perspective, history and costumbrism come together in her highly polished, detailed illustrations. Flavia finds herself curious about the most different topics: from regenerative agriculture and Mexican muralism to Northern European Renaissance and the mysteries of infographic design. Flavia loves to solve challenges: during ten years of a professional career she has provided illustration work for a staggering variety of clients, including children's illustration, comic, advertising, posters, art direction or muralism. And more is about to come.


Is it a path for initiation and growth? Is it where the happiness and the play are an obligation for those of us who do not have time while we pretend that everything is fine? In the end we all enter our own enchanted labyrinth without knowing that we have to find a way out.
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