Collide by Maria Emege

Maria Emege designs her days away in Madrid, the capital of Spain where she originally hails from. After graduating in Fine Arts at the Complutense with several honors she rolled straight into a successful design and art career. Maria has notched up clients as diverse as Unusual Wonder, 2K and Penguin Random House in her native city, as well as Gaumina in Vilnius, Lithuania. A love of paint, comics, role-playing games, video games, books, magazines and found things lead her rich and dynamic illustration. When Maria is not illustrating, she is found of travelling to the Amazon to meet the howler monkeys, learning of meteorites impacting the Earth and enjoying a piece of good chocolate when drawing the Exquisite Corpse.


The cyborg cannot avoid colliding with a skull to cross the cosmos, leaving pieces of it in the air like rose petals. It  will be rebuilt in seconds. When she is gone, this space will be left as if nothing happend and she will enter another galaxy to make a new impact, on herself.
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